
Our faculty and staff help make us special. Explore the people of Denver Law, and learn how they each contribute to our intellectual community.

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Emeritus & Esteemed Faculty

  • William Altonin, Emeritus Professor of Law (1931-2005)

    Professor 1966 – 1987
    Passed Away 2005

    A.B., 1953 Columbia University
    J.D., 1961, St. John’s University
    LL.M., 1962, New York University

  • William Beaney (1918 – 2003), Emeritus Professor of Law

    Professor: 1969-1989
    Acting Dean: 1984-85, 1989-90
    Passed away: 2003

  • Arthur Best, Emeritus Professor of Law

    Before entering law teaching, Arthur Best worked in the general counsel’s office of the Federal Communications Commission, as a trial attorney for the Federal Trade Commission, as a project director for Ralph Nader’s Center for Study of Responsive Law, and as a deputy commissioner in the New York City Department of Consumer Affairs.

    Professor Best has published broadly in fields including evidence, torts, advertising regulation, dispute resolution, and lawyers’ ethics. Among his books are When Consumers Complain (Columbia University Press: 1981), Evidence: Examples and Explanations (10th edition, Wolters Kluwer: 2017), Basic Tort Law (4th edition, Wolters Kluwer: 2014) (co-author), Evidence Law: Practice, Problems and Rules (2d edition, Wolters Kluwer: 2017) and Wigmore on Evidence Supplement volumes (Wolters Kluwer: since 1995, currently three volumes each year). Recent articles are “Lying Lawyers and Recumbent Regulators,” 49 Ind. L. Rev. 1 (2015) and “Winking at the Jury: ‘Implicit Vouching’ Versus the Limits on Opinions about Credibility,” 55 Ariz. L. Rev. 265 (2013) (co-author).

    Best has served as Associate Dean for Academic Affairs at the law school and as president of the University’s Faculty Senate. He has represented the Association of American Law Schools and the American Bar Association as a member and chair of law school accreditation inspection teams. He has also served on the board of directors of Colorado Lawyers for the Arts and of the Denver-based Hannah Kahn Dance Company.


    • JD, 1969, University of Pennsylvania
    • AB, 1966, Columbia College

    Featured Publications

    • Winking at the Jury: 'Implicit Vouching' versus the Limits on Opinions About Credibility, co-authored with Jennifer Middleton, Arizona Law Review, forthcoming 2013.
    • The New Wigmore: Evidence of Other Misconduct and Similar Events, Supplement, Aspen Publishers (published annually, September 2012).
    • The New Wigmore: Selected Rules of Limited Admissibility, Supplement, Aspen Publishers (published annually, November 2012).
    • Strategies and Techniques for Teaching Torts, Wolters Kluwer (2011).
    • Colorado Evidence 2009-2010 Courtroom Manual, co-authored with Robert Hardaway, Frank Jamison and Glen Weissenberger, LexisNexis (2009).

    Additional Publications 

    • Wigmore on Evidence Supplement (Wolters Kluwer, 1995 to present) (currently three editions each year) (2012).
    • Basic Tort Law: Cases, Statutes, and Problems, co-authored with David W. Barnes (Aspen Publishers, 2003; second edition, 2007, third edition, 2010).
    • Student Evaluations of Law Teaching Work Well: Strongly Agree, Agree, Neutral, Disagree, Strongly Disagree, 40 Southwestern L. Rev.1 (2007) (2008).
    • Evidence: Examples and Explanations (Little, Brown and Co., 1994; second edition Aspen Publishers, 1997; third edition,1999; fourth edition, 2001; fifth edition 2004; sixth edition 2007) (Chinese language edition; Angle Publishing Co., 2002).
    • Impediments to Reasonable Tort Reform: Lessons from the Adoption of Comparative Negligence, 40 Ind. L. Rev. 1 (2007).
    • Internet Yellow Page Advertising, co-authored with Shayla Francis, Katarznya Z. Kozak, Lauren Heilig, Kristy Lundahl, Terri Bowland, and Robert P. Dellavalle, 55 Journal of the American Academy of Dermatology 67 (co-author) (2006).
    • Comparative Negligence (Matthew Bender & Co.) (revision author, 1988-2000).
    • Manufacturers' Responsibility for Harms Suffered by Victims of Counterfeiters: A Modern Elaboration of Causation Rules and Fundamental Tort Law Policies, 8 Currents: Int'l Trade L.J. 43 (Summer 1999).
    • Torts Roadmap (Aspen Publishers, 1997).
    • Lawyers from Denver, co-authored with Philip E. Gauthier, Barbara N. Greenspahn (University of Denver, 1996).
    • Peace, Wealth, Happiness, And Small Claim Courts: A Case STUDY, co-authored with Deborah Zalesne, Kathleen Bridges, Kathryn Chenoweth, Lisa Fine, Jonathan L. Miller, & Kimberly White, 21 Fordham Urb. L.J. 343 Fordham Urban Law Journal Winter 1994.
    • Considering "Claims Crisis" Claims Clearly, 69 Denv. U. L. Rev. 1085 (1992).
    • Mediating Consumer Complaints (chapter in Duffy, et al., eds., Issues in Community Mediation (Guilford Press: 1991)).
    • The Limited Legitimacy of SEC Attorney Discipline: Defining the Commission's Role and Exploring Alternatives (chapter in ABA Section of Business Law, Selected Articles on Federal Securities Law (American Bar Association: 1991)).
    • Consumer Problems and ADR: An Analysis of the Federal Trade Commission-Ordered General Motors Mediation and Arbitration Program, 1990 J. Dispute Res. 267.
    • The Talismanic Use of Incomprehensible Writings: An Empirical and Legal Study of Words Displayed in TV Advertisements, 33 St. Louis U. L. Rev. 285 (1989).
    • Monetary Damages for False Advertising, 49 U. Pitt. L. Rev. 1 (1987).
    • Controlling False Advertising: A Comparative Study of Public Regulation, Industry Self-Policing and Private Litigation, 20 Ga. L. Rev. 1 (1985).
    • Current Consumer Complaint Research: Suggestions for its Context and Focus (chapter in American Bar Association Special Committee on Dispute Resolution, Consumer Dispute Resolution: Exploring the Alternatives (1983)).
    • Shortcomings of Administrative Agency Lawyer Discipline, 31 Emory L. J. 535 (1982).
    • Seller's Choice: Common Problems and Rare Litigation (chapter in Gambitta, et al., eds., Governing Through Courts (Sage Publications: 1981)).
    • When Consumers Complain (Columbia University Press, 1981).
    • Consumer Response to Unsatisfactory Purchases: A Survey of Perceiving Defects, Voicing Complaints and Obtaining Redress, 11 Law & Society Rev. 701 (1977) (co-author).
    • Consumers Complain - Does Business Respond?, co-authored with Alan Andreasen, 55 Harvard Business Rev. 93 (vol. 4, 1977) (co-author).
    • Governmental Facilitation of Consumerism: A Proposal for Consumer Action Groups, co-authored with Bernard Brown, 50 Temple L. Q. 253 (1977) (co-author).
  • Jerome Borison, Emeritus Associate Professor

    Jerry Borison is a nationally recognized professor who teaches, writes and consults in the areas of IRS controversies and estate planning. As the list of publications below reflects, he has, as they say, “written the book” in those areas.

    Professor Borison holds an LLM (Masters in Law) in Taxation from New York University School of Law, having previously earned his JD from Gonzaga University and his BS in accounting from Temple University. Before entering law teaching in 1982, he practiced as a Certified Public Accountant (CPA) in Pennsylvania and as an attorney for IRSChief Counsel’s office in San Francisco. He has been actively involved in the American Bar Association Section of Taxation and is a Fellow with the American College of Tax Counsel. Prof. Borison teaches in the College of Law and in the Graduate Tax Program.

    Among his publications are the following books: Editor and Principal Author of first two editions of “Effectively Representing Your Client Before the ‘New’ IRS” – A comprehensive, easy-to-use handbook published by the American Bar Association Section of Taxation for the general tax practitioner. A three-volume/CD-ROM set – including sample correspondence, forms, and hundreds of practice.

    Co-author (with Profs. Steve Johnson and Sam Ullman) of “Federal Tax Procedure” (3rd Ed. 2016, Carolina Academic Press), one of a dozen casebooks in the Carolina Academic Press Graduate Tax Series for use in graduate tax programs.

    Co-author (with Susan Gary, Naomi Cahn, and Paula Monopoli) of “Contemporary Trusts and Estates,” Aspen Casebook Series, Wolters Kluwer Law & Business (3rd Ed., 2016).

    View CV


    • LLM, 1982, New York University
    • JD, 1977, Gonzaga University
    • BS, 1967, Temple University

    Featured Publications

    • Contemporary Trusts and Estates - An Experiential Approach, co-authored with Gary, S., Cahn, N., Monopoli, P., New York, NY: Aspen Casebook Series, Wolters Kluwer Law & Business (2nd Ed., 2014).
    • Contemporary Trusts and Estates - An Experiential Approach, 58 Saint Louis University Law Journal 727 (2014).
    • Civil Tax Procedure, co-authored with Profs. Richardson and Johnson, Published in 2005 by Lexis-Nexis, 2d Ed. (2007).
    • Defending The IRC §6672 “Trust Fund Recovery Penalty,”, 8 J. of Tax Pract. & Proc. 21 (2006).
    • Effectively Representing Your Client Before the IRS (with completed forms and sample correspondence), a two-volume treatise in progress (publication anticipated in 1999 by American Bar Association) (Editor and Contributor), funded in part by the ABA Section of Taxation.
    • When The Irs Wants Your Client To Pay Trust Fund Taxes--Part I, 26-SEP Colo. Law. 117 Colorado Lawyer September, 1997 Specialty Law Column Steven R. Anderson.
    • When The IRS Wants Your Client To Pay Trust Fund Taxes--Part II, 26-OCT Colo. Law. 117 Colorado Lawyer October, 1997 Specialty Law Column Steven R. Anderson.
    • When the IRS Wants Your Client to Pay Trust Fund Taxes-Part III, 26-NOV Colo. Law. 105 Colorado Lawyer November, 1997 Specialty Law Column Steven R. Anderson.
    • Getting Equity from the Tax Court in Innocent Spouse Cases, 72 Tax Notes 1787 (1996).
    • Alice Through a Very Dark and Confusing Looking Glass: Getting Equity From the Tax Court in Innocent Spouse Cases, 30 Fam. L.Q. 123 Family Law Quarterly Spring, 1996 Special Tax Symposium.
    • Low-Income Taxpayers, 48 Tax Law. 1243 Tax Lawyer Summer, 1995 Important Developments During the Year William H. Lyons.
    • The Taxation of Affiliated Corporations (published in Summer, 1991 as a 100-page chapter in a 2-volume corporate tax treatise by Shepherds, McGraw-Hill).
    • Innocent Spouse Relief: A Call for Legislative and Judicial Liberalization, 40 Tax Lawyer 819 (1987).
    • The Barbados Decision, ABA Section of Taxation Newsletter, Winter, 1986.
    • The Evolving Due Diligence Requirement of the Service in Determining a Taxpayer's Last Known Address, 41 Tax. L. Rev. 111 (1985).
    • The New Tax Court Rules on Partnership Litigation, ABA Section of Taxation Newsletter, Summer, 1985.
    • The Rights and Obligations of a Partner When a Partnership is Audited, 1 J. P'ship Tax. 107 (1984).
    • I.R.C. Section 6901: Transferee Liability, 30 The Tax Lawyer 433 (1977), reprinted in M. GARBIS & S. STRUNTZ, CASES AND MATERIALS ON FEDERAL TAX PROCEDURE AND FRAUD (West Pub., 1981).
    • Comment, Godfrey v. State, Washington's Negligence Statute is Retrospective, 10 Gonz. L. Rev. 840 (1974).
  • Burton F. Brody (1937 – 2020), Emeritus Professor of Law

    Director, Summer Preparatory Program and Academic Achievement Program

    B.S.C., 1959, J.D., 1961, DePaul University
    LL.M., 1978, Northwestern University

    Publication: Burton F. Brody, Son of the Speluncean Explorer, 55 IOWA L. REV. 1233 (1970).

  • John A. Carver Jr. (d. 2016), Emeritus Professor of Law

    A.B., 1939, Brigham Young University
    LL.B., 1947, Georgetown University
    LL.D., 1965, College of Guam

  • Alfred J. Coco (d. 2017), Emeritus Professor of Law

    Professor 1988 -1994
    Law Library Director 1972-1988

    B.A., 1957, University of Texas
    J.D., 1960, St. Mary's University
    M.L.L., 1962, University of Washington

  • Edward A. Dauer, Professor of Law and Dean Emeritus

    Dean 1985 – 1990
    Professor 1990-2008

    A.B., 1966, Brown University
    LL.B., 1969, Yale University
    M.P.H., 2001, Harvard University

    Edward A. Dauer served as Dean and Professor of Law at the University of Denver in Denver, Colorado, and is an active mediator and arbitrator with over 25 years experience in the field of conflict resolution. Prior to joining the law faculty at Denver, he held a number of other academic appointments, including from 1974 to 1985, that of Associate Professor of Law and later Deputy Dean of the Yale Law School, which he left in 1985 to assume the Deanship at Denver. Dean Dauer was the co-founder and first President of the National Center for Preventive Law, is an Elected Member of the American Law Institute, and has served since 1996 as a Visiting Scholar at the Program on Health Care Negotiation and Conflict Resolution at the Harvard School of Public Health. In addition to his LL.B., he has undertaken postgraduate training in economics and in the social sciences, and holds the degree of MPH(concentration in Health Policy and management) from Harvard. From 1990 to 1993 Dauer chaired the Center for Public Resources working group in health care dispute resolution. His writings include two books in the special field of health care ADR and a two-volume treatise in Dispute Resolution. His honors include the W. Quinn Jordan Award from the National Blood Foundation, and the Sanbar Lectureship from the American College of Legal Medicine.

  • Nancy Ehrenreich, Emerita Professor of Law

    A graduate of Yale University (BA magna cum laude) and the University of Virginia School of Law (JD cum laude and LLM), Professor Nancy Ehrenreich served on the faculty of the Sturm College of Law from 1989 through December 2021.  She is a nationally recognized scholar in the fields of feminist legal theory, critical race feminism, and reproductive justice whose scholarship has been published by the NYU Press, Yale Law Journal, Duke Law Journal, and other prominent venues.

    Professor Ehrenreich is a nationally known scholar in the fields of feminist legal theory and critical race feminism, as well as a leader among progressive law professors working for social justice. She attended Mount Holyoke College, one of the Seven Sister schools, before graduating magna cum laude from Yale. After working at a nonprofit and then as a paralegal in New York City, Prof. Ehrenreich attended law school at the University of Virginia, where she earned both a J.D. degree (cum laude) and an L.L.M.

    After completing her L.L.M., Professor Ehrenreich spent nearly two years living in a small village in Togo, West Africa. She speaks Kabiye, the local language of that area, as well as fluent Spanish and rusty French. Upon returning to the United States, she was appointed Co-Director of the Legal Research and Writing program at the University of Virginia School of Law, where she also taught Feminist Legal Theory. In 1989, she accepted her current position at the Sturm College of Law. She was tenured in 1995 and promoted to full professor in 2002. The seminar she offers here on Race, Class, and Reproductive Justice, was one of the first law school courses of its kind in the United States.

    Professor Ehrenreich’s scholarship focuses on the intersection of race and gender, highlighting inequalities in the legal treatment of low-income women of color and other marginalized groups. Her work has been published in many prominent law journals, including the Yale Law Journal, the Duke Law Journal, the Harvard Civil Rights-Civil Liberties Law Review, and the Michigan Journal of Race and Law. Her book, The Reproductive Rights Reader: Law, Medicine, and the Construction of Motherhood, published by NYU Press, has been assigned reading in many law, and non-law, courses around the country.

    A leading voice in the legal academy for academic freedom and social justice, Prof. Ehrenreich has served on many working boards focusing on inequality in both law schools and the broader society. Her contributions include serving for several years as a member of the national board of governors of the Society of American Law Teachers, the country’s largest membership organization for law professors; serving on the board of directors and as national co-chair of Latina and Latino Critical Legal Theory, Inc. (“LatCrit”), a national organization dedicated to the development of critical scholarship and pedagogy; and serving on both advisory and working boards for interAct, an intersex children’s rights organization.

    Professor Ehrenreich is also a founding member of the Sturm College of Law’s Rocky Mountain Collective on Race, Place, and Law. And she was one of eight tenured, full professors of law at the SCOL who, along with the federal EEOC,  sued the University of Denver for sex discrimination in wages, winning a landmark settlement for $2.7 million in 2018.

    After more than thirty years on the faculty of the Sturm College of Law, Professor Ehrenreich anticipates retiring at the end of December, 2021.

    View CV


    • JD, 1979; LL.M, 1982, University of Virginia
    • BA, 1974, Yale University
  • Jeffrey H. Hartje, Emeritus Associate Professor

    Jeffrey Hartje clerked for a federal judge and practiced law as a private law firm attorney, federal public defender, and Legal Services law reform director for nine years before founding and directing the clinical law program at Gonzaga University Law School. Hired as a clinical director at the University of Denver College of Law in 1987, he founded the Meditation and Arbitration Clinic and has served as the supervising professor in the Student Law Office’s civil and criminal representation clinics. He founded and for several years directed the Lawyering Process Program and the Chancellors Scholars Program. In addition, he has served as the Sturm College’s associate dean for academic affairs. Hartje has also been the chair of the Association of American Law School’s Section on Clinical Legal Education, a founder / charter member of the Clinical Legal Education Association and a founding advisory board member of the Clinical Law Review. He has been a consultant to the National Legal Services Corp, the U.S. Department of Education and to a number of law schools, including the University of Dayton and Toledo University. He has taught in law programs in Japan, Australia, Argentina and Chile.

    B.A., 1964, J.D., 1967, University of Minnesota

  • The Honorable Gregory J. Hobbs, Jr. (1944 - 2021), Distinguished Jurist in Residence

    The Honorable Gregory J. Hobbs, Jr.

    Distinguished Jurist in Residence
    Co-Director, Environmental & Natural Resources Law Program

    JD, University of California, Berkeley, 1971
    BA, University of Notre Dame, 1966

    Justice, Colorado Supreme Court May 1, 1996-August 31, 2015. Senior Water Judge, Colorado Courts January 1, 2016 - 2021.

    J.D. University of California, Berkeley 1971, Order of the Coif, Supreme Court Editor California Law Review; Co-Editor and Author, Anthem, Boalt Hall Literary Magazine. B.A. University of Notre Dame 1966, Magna Cum Laude, History Major. Attended St. Joseph's College, 1963-1964 (Minor Seminary for Catholic Archdiocese of San Francisco). Practiced law with an emphasis on water, environment, land use, and transportation. Partner Hobbs, Trout & Raley P.C. 1992-1996; Partner, Davis, Graham & Stubbs 1979-1992; Assistant Attorney General, State of Colorado, Natural Resources Section 1975-1979; Enforcement Attorney, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency 1973-1975; Associate, Cooper, White and Cooper (San Francisco) 1972-1973.

    Law Clerk to Judge William E. Doyle, United States Tenth Circuit Court of Appeals 1971-1972.

    Taught sixth grade at St.Paul's Catholic School in New York City 1967 and served in the Peace Corps with wife Bobbie in Colombia 1967-1968.

    Admitted to practice in Colorado and California (inactive). Member, American Bar Association, Colorado Bar Association, Denver Bar Association, Fellow American Bar Foundation, Fellow, Colorado Bar Association. Former Adjunct Professor, Environmental Law, Master's Program in Environmental Policy and Management, University of Denver. Frequent teacher water history, culture, paleo-hydrology, and law.

    Vice-President, Water Education Colorado and Chair of Publications Committee. Co-Convener, Dividing the Waters Educational Project, National Judicial College. Member, Water Court Committee, Colorado Supreme Court. Member Sand Creek Massacre Commemoration Commission. Chair, Judicial Advisory Council, Colorado Supreme Court. Liaison Justice to Civil Rules Committee, Colorado Supreme Court. Member, Access to Justice Commission. Vice-Chair, Colorado Air Quality Commission. Vice-Chair, Denver Metropolitan Regional Air Quality Council. Member, Metropolitan Transportation Development Commission. Member, Governor's Water Roundtable. Member, Governor's Transportation Roundtable. Member, Colorado Wilderness Air Quality Related Values Task Force. Eagle Scout. Philmont Scout Ranch Staff, seven years.

    Member, Colorado Authors League. Author of In Praise of Fair Colorado, The Practice of Poetry, History and Judging (Bradford Publishing Co. 2004). Colorado Mother of Rivers, Water Poems (Colorado Foundation for Water Education 2005). The Public's Water Resource, Articles on Water Law, History, and Culture (Continuing Legal Education in Colorado, Inc. 2007). Living the Four Corners, Colorado Centennial State at the Headwaters (Continuing Legal Education in Colorado, Inc. 2010). Into The Grand (Continuing Legal Education in Colorado, Inc. 2012).


  • Daniel Hoffman (1931 – 2009), Dean Emeritus

    Dean 1978 - 1984
    Passed away 2009

    Daniel Hoffman served as the youngest-ever manager of public safety for the city of Denver in the 1960s, overseeing its police, fire and sheriff’s departments.

    He was a political activist who joined Martin Luther King’s historic civil rights march from Selma to Montgomery, Ala., in 1965 and was an adviser to Robert Kennedy during his 1968 presidential campaign.

    Hoffman was dean of the University of Denver College of Law from 1978 to 1984, where he had graduated magna cum laude in 1958.

    He was a past president of both the Colorado Bar Association and the Colorado Trial Lawyers Association — the only person to have held both those posts — as well as state chair of the American College of Trial Lawyers.

    For many years, Hoffman practiced law with partners Dan Reilly and Larry Pozner as a senior partner in the firm Hoffman, Reilly, Pozner & Williamson.

    As a lawyer, Hoffman’s best-known court case was in defense of Michael Jackson against a suit in U.S. District Court in Denver, under the spotlight of national media attention. A local songwriter, Crystal Cartier, claimed that Jackson had appropriated the song “Dangerous” from her. Jackson and Hoffman prevailed.

    Hoffman also represented the former American Basketball Association in its merger with the National Basketball Association.

    He also defended many corporate clients in class-action, antitrust and other cases, including General Electric, Lockheed Martin and Gates Corp.

    Among Hoffman’s many honors were the Colorado State Committee of the American College of Trial Lawyers Lifetime Achievement Award, the American Jewish Committee Judge Learned Hand Award, and the University of Denver Sturm College of Law Outstanding Alumni Award.

    Denver Post: Dean Emeritus Daniel Hoffman, LLB'58, dies at 78. September 02, 2009

    Make a Gift in Memory of Daniel S. Hoffman

  • Francis W. Jamison (d. 2013), Emeritus Professor of Law

    B.A., University of Denver
    J.D., 1956, University of Denver College of Law

  • Harry O. Lawson (d. 2007), Emeritus Professor of Law

    Professor 1988-1997
    Passed away 2007

    In 1971, responding to Chief Justice Warren Burger’s call for a program to train court administrators, Professor Harry Lawson spearheaded a program at the University of Denver College of Law which trained professional court administers in its Master of Science in Judicial Administration (MSJA) Program.   

    The unique training that DU Law graduates received in the MSJA program prompted private law firms to hire our graduates for management positions.

  • Professor Christopher Lasch (1965 - 2021)

    Professor Christopher Lasch
    JD, Law, Yale Law School, 1996
    AB, History, Columbia College, 1987

    A graduate of Columbia College and Yale Law School, Chris Lasch entered the legal academy in 2006 as a prestigious Robert Cover Clinical Teaching Fellow at Yale, having previously served as a public defender in Louisville, Kentucky, representing clients in capital and other criminal matters at the trial, appellate, and postconviction stages, and as a partner at Goodwin & Lasch, handling civil rights cases, including a successful federal case that permitted jockeys to wear advertising on their uniforms and several successful police abuse cases. He joined the faculty of the University of Denver in 2010, developing and co-directing the Criminal Defense Clinic and securing its stature as one of the nation’s preeminent criminal defense clinics. In 2018, he co-founded the Immigration Law & Policy Clinic, extending the reach of our Student Law Office to the realm of immigration detention. Most recently, he served as Ronald V. Yegge Clinical Co-Director, working to advance our trailblazing and nationally recognized clinical program. He continued to represent capital clients until his death in June 2021.

  • John Phillip Linn, Emeritus Professor of Law

    A.B., 1950, New York University
    M.A., 1951, New York University
    J.D., 1955, University of Denver College of Law

  • Neil O. Littlefield (1931 - 2012), Emeritus Professor of Law

    B.S., 1953, University of Maine
    LL.B., 1957, Boston University
    LL.M., 1959, S.J.D., 1961, University of Michigan

    Photo to the left: Professor Emeritus Neil Littlefield and his wife, Carla, at the Denver Law “Hero’s Lunch” in April, 2010.

  • Thompson G. Marsh (1902 – 1992), Emeritus Professor of Law

    Professor 1927-1987
    Passed Away 1992

    Professor Marsh, who joined the faculty at the University of Denver after graduating from its law school, was its first full-time professor of law and over the next six decades became an institution both at the school and in the Denver legal community.

    When Professor Marsh retired in 1987, the school's officials estimated that 70 percent of the lawyers practicing in the Denver area had taken at least one course with him. His specialties included property and mining law and legal philosophy.

    A native of Lacon, Ill., Professor Marsh earned a bachelor's degree and a master's degree in history at the University of Denver, a master's in law from Northwestern University in 1931, and a doctorate in law from Yale University in 1935.

    He was an expert bird-watcher, having a life-list of more than 800 species. He was ranked first in Colorado and within the top 20 nationally.

  • Michael Massey (1946 – 2022), Director, Professional Mentoring Program

    Mike Massey left thirty years of law practice to join the Lawyering Process faculty at DU in 2000. In practice, he specialized in the areas of corporate and securities law first at a medium-sized Denver firm and then at his own firm. Mike graduated from the DU College of Law summa cum laude in 1971, after serving as editor-in-chief of the Denver Law Journal (currently known as the Denver Law Review). For many years, he also was editor of The Annual Survey of Colorado Law. He wrote an award-winning humor column for the Villager Newspapers and has written several non-award winning plays. Mike served as president of the DU National Alumni Association as well as president of the Denver Athletic Club. He also was chair of the Scientific and Cultural Facilities District (SCFD) and was chairman emeritus of Historic Littleton, Inc.

    JD, 1971, University of Denver, College of Law
    BA, University of Denver

  • Kris McDaniel-Miccio, Emerita Professor of Law
    A. Since Retiring

    After retiring from SCOL, Professor McDaniel-Miccio returned to New York, more specifically Woodstock New York.  She is a native New Yorker and looked forward to returning to the state which produced the NY Yankees!

    McDaniel-Miccio has been more than busy.  As a rabbi, she guest teaches at area shuls and delivers talks which fill seats and minds on subjects integrating theological perspectives on matters of ethics and freedom.  Kris is also a guest columnist for Hudson Valley One the paper which integrates news from the towns, villages and cities which comprise the Mid-Hudson region.

    McDaniel-Miccio is also a popular lecturer at Lifelong Learning Institutes, Vassar, Bard and University of New York at New Paltz on topics that address the U.S. Supreme Court attack upon 14th Amendment conceptions of due process and equality.  McDaniel-Miccio was recently named as an Associate Fellow at The Hannah Arendt Center, Bard College. Her position provides access to the 40,000 volumes produced by Arendt, which includes her notes on Eichmann in Jerusalem: The Banality of Evil, the subject of Miccio’s research & lectures here in the U.S. and abroad.

    Kris has started her book Reasonable Doubt, which is a compilation of articles which cover political, legal and cultural issues marking political matters stretching over fifty years.  Since leaving SCOL, Kris had been deeply involved in myriad projects which more than expand the scholarship, publications, lectures which marked her tenure at the law school.  Finally, she looks forward to a return to Ireland, to lecture and reconnect with colleagues at Trinity, University College and Queens College, Belfast.   And yes, Kris is still a rabid NY Yankee fan—cheering the boys on!

    B. From 2002–2020

    Professor Kris McDaniel-Miccio is a nationally recognized expert on the law as it affects survivors of male intimate violence. She has written, lectured, litigated and testified, at Congressional and State Legislative hearings, on the issue of male intimate violence, women survivors and conceptions of state accountability. McDaniel-Miccio was the author of the NYS law that opened up the family and criminal courts to survivors of male intimate violence and one of the authors of the state's mandatory arrest law in domestic violence cases. She has won numerous awards for her work on behalf of battered women-and for her teaching. And she has been interviewed by the print and electronic media on such matters as hate crimes, violence against women, Miranda, the OJ Simpson, Kobe Bryant and Laci Peterson cases, to name a few. At the Sturm College of Law, Professor McDaniel-Miccio taught criminal law and procedure, family law, jurisprudence, and seminars on the Holocaust, the Law and Domestic Violence. In 2007, McDaniel-Miccio was awarded a Fulbright and taught at University College of Dublin School of Law and lectured throughout Ireland on the issue of male intimate violence, the state and conceptions of state accountability.

    Professor McDaniel-Miccio is a Fulbright Scholar, Marie Curie Transfer of Knowledge Scholar, Erasmus Mundus Scholar and a Fulbright Senior Specialist. The Marie Curie and Erasmus Mundas fellowships were awarded by the European Commission and all of the awards were conferred because of Professor McDaniel-Miccio's research and scholarship on the issue of male intimate violence, state accountability and conceptions of justice. McDaniel-Miccio has been on faculty at the University of Dublin School of Law and it's School of Social Justice as part of her Fulbright award and currently maintains a professional relationship with both departments as a visiting professor and consultant on experiential and interdisciplinary (cross-discipline) learning.

    During 2014-15, Professor McDaniel-Miccio was a Visiting Professor at Trinity College School of Law in Dublin Ireland as well as Trinity Long Room Scholar & Fellow conducting interdisciplinary research on law and identity in relation to the LGBT community in the States and Republic of Ireland. She also received the Law Society, Lifetime Achievement Award in November 2014 in Dublin, Ireland for her work on human rights and gender equality.

    Professor McDaniel-Miccio has been awarded dual research appointments to the Equality Institute, Equality Studies, University College Dublin and the Gender & Women Studies Department, Trinity College Dublin. Both appointments were made as a result of her scholarship on re-thinking equality and the effect of religious heteronormativity on the marriage equality movements in the States, Ireland and Northern Ireland. In 2014-2015, McDaniel-Miccio lectured on this issue and debated spokespersons for the Catholic Church and the NO Campaign. She continues to conduct research, write, lecture and provide commentary for international and domestic news outlets in the U.S. and Ireland.

  • Christopher H. Munch (1921 – 2008), Emeritus Professor of Law

    Professor 1966 – 1999
    Passed away 2008

    Professor Emeritus Christopher H. Munch earned a doctor of law degree with honors at the University of Illinois. Professor Munch taught at the College of Law from 1966 to 1999, specializing in contracts, unincorporated association, patents, and trademarks and copyrights, as well as government contracts. He served as DU Law’s associate dean of academic affairs from 1967 through 1980, and has continued to be extremely involved in recruiting women and minorities to DU Law. In 2001, the Chris Munch Summer Institute on Intellectual Property was established at the law school, giving students an opportunity to explore this rapidly growing field. A graduate of University of Illinois College of Law, Munch also attended Washington Jefferson College, The United States Military Academy and Columbia University.

  • Ved Nanda (1934-2024), Emeritus Professor of Law

    Ved P. Nanda was a Distinguished University Professor and formerly Thompson G. Marsh Professor of Law at the University of Denver, where he founded the International Legal Studies Program in 1972. He also directed the Ved Nanda Center for International and Comparative Law, since its inception in 2006. The Center was established in his honor by alumni and friends, who also endowed a professorship in his name. He received Honorary Doctorates of Law from Soka University, Tokyo, Japan, and Bundelkhand University, Jhansi, India, and has taught and lectured at several universities in the U.S. and abroad.  He was also an Honorary Professor of Law at the University of Delhi, India.

    Professor Nanda held many leadership positions in the global international law community, including the World Jurist Association, American Society of International Law, International Law Association, American Law Institute, and the American Bar Association’s Human Rights Center and Section of International Law.  He served as U.S. delegate to the World Federation of the United Nations Associations in Geneva and on the governing council of the United Nations Association of the USA. He was an officer and board member in several international and national NGOs and also served as Chair of the Uberoi Foundation for Religious Studies.

    He received numerous national and international awards, authored or co-authored 24 books and over 225 chapters and law review articles in international and comparative law, wrote a column for the Denver Post, and was a regular commentator in both the electronic and print media. In March 2018, President Ram Nath Kovind presented Professor Nanda with the Padma Bhushan, one of the highest civilian awards given by the Government of India. And in April, the American Bar Association International Law Section conferred on him the Louis B. Sohn Award, for “distinguished, longstanding contributions to the field of public international law.”

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    • BA, MA, 1952, Punjab University, India
    • LLB, 1955, LLM, 1958, Delhi University, India
    • LLM, 1962, Northwestern University
    • Graduate Fellow, Yale University
  • Stephen Pepper, Emeritus Professor of Law

    Emeritus Professor of Law Stephen L. Pepper has published well-known law review articles on lawyers’ ethics and on the subject of freedom of religion under the First Amendment. Several of his articles on lawyers’ ethics have been included in casebooks and in edited collections of essays. His essay on the underlying theory of the ethical relation between lawyer and client won the Association of American Law Schools’ 1985 Scholarly Papers competition, and his article on lawyers’ ethics and the counseling of clients was the lead article in the May 1995 issue of the Yale Law Journal. A subsequent article, titled “Lawyers’ Ethics in the Gap Between Law and Justice,” deals with counseling clients when lawful conduct may also be ethically problematic. His most recent works are a book chapter providing practical guidance to working executives and professionals on ethics and the exercise of moral vision, an essay on integrating morality and law in day-to-day legal practice in the 2012 volume of the Georgetown Journal of Legal Ethics, and an article on three underlying conceptual dichotomies in lawyer’ ethics, published in the 2015 volume of the same journal.

    Professor Pepper graduated from Stanford University “with great distinction.” His law degree is from Yale Law School, where he won first place in the Thurman Arnold appellate advocacy competition and was a finalist in the Cardozo brief writing competition. He practiced law for four years with the Denver firm of Holland & Hart.

    Professor Pepper has given presentations on lawyers’ ethics and on the First Amendment at numerous academic conferences and meetings of practicing lawyers. He has taught first-year Torts course, the required Legal Profession course, and a seminar on professional ethics. The students at the College of Law have selected him “Professor of the Year” four times.

    Five of his articles have been translated into Japanese by Professor Hiroshi Sumiyoshi and published as a monograph under the title The Lawyer’s Amoral Ethical Role, Counseling and the Responsibility of the Client (Chuo University, 2000).

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    JD, 1973, Yale University
    AB, 1969, Stanford University

  • George W. (Rock) Pring, Emeritus Professor of Law

    B.A., 1963, Harvard College
    J.D., 1968, University of Michigan

    Professor Rock Pring’s area of specialization centers on environmental and natural resources issues internationally and nationally. He has taught and published extensively, and continues to serve as a consultant to governments and public-interest organizations on specialized environmental courts and tribunals (ECTs), access to environmental justice, sustainable development, human rights, resource development, and nature preservation. While at Denver Law, Prof. Pring taught numerous courses including International Environmental Law, International Water Law, Environmental Law, Water Law, Public Land and Resources Law, Administrative Law, and Constitutional Law.

    Professor Pring and his wife, Kitty Pring are Co-directors of the University of Denver Environmental Courts and Tribunals Study, and authored the first comparative book on this exploding phenomenon, Greening Justice: Creating and Improving Environmental Courts and Tribunals (2009).  Their newest book has been published by the U.N. Environment Program, Environmental Courts & Tribunals:  A Guide for Policy Makers (2016).  He has authored and co-authored a number of other books, articles, encyclopedia chapters, and studies, including a leading treatise on International Environmental Law and the book SLAPPs: Getting Sued for Speaking Out, under a National Science Foundation grant, which first named and drew international attention to the problem of “Strategic Lawsuits Against Public Participation” in government or “SLAPPs” – abusive lawsuits designed to chill citizens’ rights to petition or communicate their views to their government officials.

    Professor Pring is a former US Representative to the Academic Advisory Group of the International Bar Association’s Section on Energy, Environment, and Resources Law. He also has served as chair of the State of Colorado Hazardous Waste Commission, adjunct professor in the graduate Environmental Science and Engineering Program at the Colorado School of Mines, and is co-founder and vice president for the conservation of the Clear Creek Land Conservancy.

  • Edward E. Pringle (d. 2002), Emeritus Professor of Law

    Professor Pringle joined the law faculty in September 1979, a few months after ending a 22-year career as a member of the Colorado judiciary. From 1961 until his retirement from the court he served as an associate justice of the supreme court of Colorado. He was chief justice from 1970-78.

    At the law school, he directed the unique legal research and writing program which has now been incorporated into the Lawyering Skills Program. He has also conducted mediation and arbitration hearings.

  • John H. Reese (1931-2018), Emeritus Professor of Law


    Administrative Law
    Constitutional Law


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    B.B.A., LL.B., 1954, Southern Methodist University
    LL.M., 1965, S.J.D., 1969, George Washington University

    Joined the law faculty in 1966 after advanced law study and 7 years teaching at Texas Tech University. Promoted to Professor of Law in 1969. Honorary Fellow, University of Edinburgh in 1984 and 1991 Visiting Scholar, Wolfson College, Cambridge, UK. Invited Lecturer, University of Barcelona 1999. Appointed to faculty of the National Judicial College in 2003. Assistant Dean, Texas Tech 1960-66 and Associate Dean, College of Law 1978-81. Editor-in-Chief, Administrative Law Review, ABA 1975-89.

    Books published: Administrative Law Desk Reference for Lawyers, and 2005 Supplement (2003 Lexis Law Publishing); Administrative Law Principles and Practice, 2nd Ed., with Seamon (2003 West Group); Administrative Law Principles and Practice, 1st Ed., (1995 West Publishing); Power, Policy, People: A Study of Driver Licensing Administration (1971 Highway Research Board, National Academy of Sciences). Articles published: “Bursting the Chevron Bubble: Clarifying the Scope of Judicial Review in Troubled Times,” 73 Fordham L.Rev. 1103 (2004); with T.H. Reese, “Teaching Methods and Casebooks,” 38 Brandeis L. Journal 169 (2000). Faculty Honors: DU Law Stars-Outstanding Faculty Award 2001. Presentations: “The View from North America,” Council of Canadian Administrative Tribunals Third International Conference 2004; “Administrative Law Contemporary Issues,” The National Judicial College 2003 and 2004.

  • Mary E. Ricketson, Dean Emeritus

    Dean 2000 - 2006

    As Dean of the College of Law, Mary Ricketson led the faculty and staff in the creation of a dynamic learning environment. After graduating from the College of Law in 1978, Mary maintained strong ties with the law school. Throughout her professional career as Deputy District Attorney, Deputy Attorney General, and a private practice attorney specializing in employment dispute mediation, Mary continued to dedicate her time to matters of public interest. As Executive Director of the Colorado Lawyers’ Committee for Civil Rights Under Law, she supported numerous groundbreaking, high-impact case initiatives that will improve the health care and education opportunities of Colorado children for years to come. She has served on many national foundations and commissions, and served as the President of the Colorado women’s Bar Association (CWBA). In 2002, she was appointed co-chair of Mayor Wellington Webb’s 2025 Commission and in 2003, the CWBA honored her with the Mary Lathrop Award for her dedication to women’s issues, legal education, and public service and in 2003 she was awarded the Outstanding Community Service Award by the Colorado Hispanic Bar Association.

  • Howard I. Rosenberg, Emeritus Professor of Law (1927-2024)

    B.A., 1949, Roosevelt College
    LL.B., 1952, DePaul University

    Professor Howard Rosenberg joined the University of Denver College of Law faculty in 1973. He had extensive experience in practice and teaching, and was widely regarded as a foremost expert regarding clinical legal education – most particularly in the area of criminal law.

    In 1967, Professor Rosenberg began his career at the law school as a member of its adjunct faculty. From 1973 – 1979, he was director of the law school’s Clinical Programs. Before joining the Denver Law faculty, Professor Rosenberg served staff counsel for a Chicago-based finance and loan company, and from 1954 – 1956, he was house counsel to a finance company and industrial bank in Denver. Following that, he was staff attorney, director and general counsel of the Legal Aid Society of Metro Denver until he was recruited to work at the University of Denver.

    Professor Rosenberg served as the associate director of “Legal Needs of the Poor,” a College of Law research project, from 1966 – 1967. He also is a past president of the Denver Bar Association, and was a member of the Colorado Supreme Court Civil Rules Committee, a position he held since 1980. Professor Rosenberg was an active member of many Bar Association committees and several sections. While at DU, he taught Creditor-Debtor and Bankruptcy, Profession Responsibility, Advanced Civil Procedure, Poverty Law, and in both the Civil and Criminal clinics.

    Featured Publications

    Metro Volunteer Lawyers at 45: The Thursday Night Bar—A Journey Through the Past, CBA CLE Legal Connection (2011).

  • Hon. Gregory Kellam Scott, Emeritus Professor of Law

    Associate Professor: 1980 - 1992

    B.S., 1970, Ed.M., 1971, Rutgers University
    J.D., 1977, Indiana University School of Law

    Gregory Kellam Scott earned his bachelor’s degree in environmental science and master’s degree in education from Rutgers University. He earned his law degree from Indiana University School of Law in 1977 where he graduated Cum Laude. Prior to joining the College of Law faculty, Scott served as a Trial Attorney for the Securities and Exchange Commission and served briefly as general counsel for Blinder, Robinson & Co. He also served as general counsel for Commercial Energies, inc. from 1989-1991. Scott left teaching to become the first African American to sit on the Colorado State Supreme Court on January 15, 1993.

  • John T. Soma, Emeritus Professor of Law

    Professor Emeritus John T. Soma is the executive director of the Privacy Foundation at the University of Denver. After completing his PhD in economics in 1975, Professor Soma served from 1976 to 1979 as trial attorney for the U.S. Department of Justice, Antitrust Division, Washington, D.C., where he was primarily assigned to the Department of Justice trial team in the U.S. v. IBM litigation. In 1979, he joined the University of Denver College of Law faculty. In addition to six books on computer law, Professor Soma has authored more than 40 professional articles in the computer law and privacy area.

  • Joyce Sterling, Emerita Professor of Law

    B.A., 1967, University of California at Santa Barbara
    M.A., 1970, University of Hawaii
    Ph.D., 1977, University of Denver

    Joyce Sterling is Professor of Legal Ethics and Legal Profession and Associate Dean of Faculty Development at the University of Denver Sturm College of Law. She has devoted more than a decade to the study of the legal profession and legal education. Her recent research has focused on the problems facing women in legal careers compared to their male counterparts and issues associated with the downturn in legal education. Her most recent articles appear in The Journal of Legal Education (“Buyers Remorse? An Empirical Assessment of the Desirability of a Lawyer Career,”(2013); Florida International Law Review, “Navigating the Gap: Reflections on Two Decades of Studying Gender Disparity in Law,” (2013); and Indiana Journal of Global Legal Studies, “Parenthood Status and Compensation in Law Practice,” (2013). Since 1997, Professor Sterling has been one of the co-principal investigators on the “After the JD” study, the first national, longitudinal study of careers of lawyers in the U.S. Professor Sterling has been a Visiting Scholar at Stanford Law School (Academic Year 1985-86), Visiting Professor at University of Cincinnati Law School (Fall 1990) a Visiting Research Fellow at the American Bar Foundation (Academic Year 2002-2003), and Visiting Professor at Southwestern Law School (2008). Professor Sterling is called upon to give lectures about gender in the legal profession and the results of the After the JD study. Recently she has addressed the NALP Foundation meeting on the Third Wave Results of AJD(2014), Association of American Law Schools (2014), ABA Mid-Year Meeting (2014) and the Law and Society Association (2014).

  • Lawrence P. Tiffany (1936 – 2013), Emeritus Professor of Law

    A.B., 1961, LL.B., 1963, Washington University (St. Louis)
    S.J.D., 1967, University of Wisconsin (Madison)

  • Daniel A. Vigil, Assistant Dean Emeritus

    Daniel A. Vigil graduated from the University of Colorado School of Law in 1982. He clerked for a Denver District Court Judge and then went into private practice. In 1984 he began teaching at the University of Colorado School of Law. He later became an Associate Dean at the Law School. Dean Vigil has taught Criminal Law, Legal Method, Legal Writing, Appellate Advocacy and Professional Responsibility at CU Law and Water Law and Legal Profession at DU Law. In 1998 he received the University of Colorado School of Law Alumni Award for Distinguished Achievement in Education. In 2003 Professor Vigil left the University of Colorado School of Law and began teaching at the Sturm College of Law where he currently holds the title of Assistant Dean Emeritus. In June 2021 Dean Vigil received the CU Law School’s highest award, the William Lee Knous Award.

    Dean Vigil is a former member of the Colorado Supreme Court Advisory Committee, a former commissioner of the Colorado Supreme Court Chief Justice Commission on the Legal Profession and a former Trustee for the Colorado Supreme Court Attorney Fund for Client Protection. He was also a member of the Colorado Supreme Court Judicial Advisory Council. He is a past President of the Colorado Hispanic Bar Association and a former chairman of the Colorado Lottery Commission. He served many years as a member of the Board of Directors of Colorado Legal Services, 10 of those years as Chairman. Dean Vigil is a past President of the Boulder Bar Foundation and a former chairman of the Legal Education and Admissions Committee of the Colorado Bar Association. Mr.Vigil has served two terms on the Colorado Bar Association Board of Governors, and one term on its Executive Committee. In 2007 Mr.Vigil was recognized by the Colorado Supreme Court for outstanding contribution and service to the citizens of Colorado, the legal profession and the Colorado Supreme Court. In 2008 the Colorado Hispanic Bar Association awarded him its Lifetime Achievement Award, the Association’s highest honor. Dean Vigil was voted Outstanding Administrator of the Year in 2012 by students at the Sturm College of Law.

    Dean Vigil has presented numerous lectures, speeches, and continuing legal education programs throughout the state and nation.

    Dan served in the US Army in 1970-1971. He was honorably discharged and awarded the National Defense Medal.


  • Timothy Walker, Emeritus Professor of Law

    Adjunct Professor, Conflict of Laws

    A.B., 1961, Princeton University
    J.D., 1967, M.A., 1969, University of Denver College of Law

  • James E. Wallace (1922 – 2013), Emeritus Professor of Law

    Professor 1967 - 1992

    A.B., 1943, University of California at Los Angeles
    LL.B., 1949, University of California at Berkeley
    B.D., 1960, Ph.D., 1967, Princeton Theological Seminary

    Professor Emeritus Jim Wallace’s involvement at the University of Denver College of Law spans more than three decades and includes a stint as associate dean for academic affairs. Wallace came to DU Law from Princeton Theological Seminary after being recruited by former Dean Robert Yegge, and was instrumental in building the College of Law’s nationally known Law & Society curriculum. For many years he served as the Executive Director of the Law and Society Association as well as the director of DU Law’s Professional Responsibility program. Wallace’s myriad other affiliations and appointments include: Partner, Adams, Duque & Hazeltine, Los Angeles; Judge, City of Greenwood Village Municipal Court; CBA Ethics Committee; Colorado Supreme Court Committees including the Model Rules Committee, Code of Judicial Conduct Revisions, Group Legal Services and Advertising, and the Joint CBA Task Force on Professionalism. His involvement with various committees appointed by the Colorado Supreme Court is yet another testament to his passion for the law.

  • James L. Winokur, Emeritus Professor of Law

    Professor 1971 - 2004

    A.B., 1966, LL.B., 1969, University of Pennsylvania


    Property, Community Associations, Real Estate Transactions

  • Robert Yegge (1934 – 2006), Dean Emeritus

    Interim Dean 1965 – 1966
    Dean 1966 – 1977
    Interim Dean 1989 – 1999
    Professor 1959 – 2006